Etude House My Beauty Tool Lovely Etti Hair Band 1P thumb

Etude House My Beauty Tool Lovely Etti Hair Band 1P


4,000 2,800
2.27 / 2.06 / 312.85

Reward Point

Categories : Others


 A cute Etti-shaped hair band to use while cleansing or taking a shower.

How to use

 Wear the Etti hair band to hold your hair up while putting on makeup or using a mask. 

Isabella Margiani 07/01/2018

I wanted it because it has cat ears and not because I really needed it, but I love it.
The material is excellent, does not tighten the head (I hate when the bands tighten me too much, they make me a headache!), is soft and comes exactly as it is in the picture.
He made my skine care routin more pleasant and witty!
L'ho voluta perché ha le orecchie da gatto e non perché mi servisse realmente, ma l'adoro.
Il materiale é ottimo, non stringe la testa (odio quando le fasce mi stringono troppo, mi fanno venire il mal di testa!), é morbida e arriva esattamente com'é nella foto.
Ha reso la mia skine care routin piú piacevole e spiritosa!