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How to use Customer Service (Message Center)

missBeautyKorea operates a customer service center. To contact a customer service center, you must first register as a member.


You can contact the customer center through the message center of My Page. You can repeat the inquiry and reply as you would with a customer center.

Message Center (Login needed)

Customer Center can answer the following questions and receive answers. It's like a chat app.

Inquiry about order

If you have any questions about your order, please follow these steps:

  1. Select your order number.
  2. Select the type of inquiry.
    • Shipping: Please contact us for shipping delay, custom clearance, etc.
    • Billing: Ask about payment issues
    • Cancellation, Refund and Replacement: Cancellation of order, inquiry about refund, inquiry to change order
    • Change address: Contact us when your shipping address changes

Inquiries other than orders

If you have any questions about the site or product, please follow these steps:

  1. Select Common Issue
  2. Write your question


You can only create one issue artifact in one order. It is okay to change the contents of the inquiry while talking to the customer center.

Processing priority depends on the type of inquiry.

It is not the responsibility of the Customer Center to delay the reply due to the wrong kind of inquiry.

If the customer center's work is delayed due to the wrong kind of inquiry, it will cause harm to other customers. Do not be a shepherd boy.

Issues are generated only once per order number. If you want to make another inquiry on the same order, you can continue the conversation.