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  • Your Order

Multiple Cart

missBeautyKorea offers multiple shopping carts for you to place items in your shopping cartProvides one basic cart, and you can add or remove carts with an unlimited number of carts.

Add new cart

You can add your shopping cart at any time.

If you put in the shopping cart from the product information, it will be added to the shopping cart set as the default shopping cart.

(Cart screen)

(Add new cart screen)

Rename shopping cart

You can change the name of your shopping cart at any time.

Default shopping cart settings

You can set one of several carts to be created by default.

Delete exit shopping cart

You can delete your cart at any time. However, you can not delete the default cart.

Remove items from your shopping cart

Remove selected items from shopping cart. You can also delete items in your shopping cart at once by click “Clear cart”

Copy or move items to another shopping cart

Copy or move selected items to another shopping cart.