Request any items what you want to get

Ask for the Korean products you want to have. 11th street, Auction, G-market and department stores, etc. are also available for sale items.

  • Product Name and Option Name or Site URL
  • The requested product is added to the requested product list after a certain amount of commission is added.
  • The results of the request can be found on this board or on the request board of my page

Request from customers

Sum37 cleansing stick Hoang Nguyet Anh Phan May 02,2018
Dear. Hoang Nguyet Anh Phan [mbk] Request May 03,2018
My customer only believe in the luxury brand :-) Hoang Nguyet Anh Phan May 07,2018
Dear. Hoang Nguyet Anh Phan [mbk] Request May 08,2018
Ohora Nail Strip Christy Chan May 01,2018
Dear. Christy Chan [mbk] Request May 02,2018
Gelato Factory Nail Strips Christy Chan Apr 30,2018
Dear. Christy Chan [mbk] Request Apr 30,2018
Gelato Nail Strip Christy Chan May 01,2018
Dear. Christy Chan [mbk] Request May 04,2018