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  • Product Name and Option Name or Site URL
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Dear. Christy Chan

[mbk] Request 05/15/2018 12:07:19 AM

Oh, I'm sorry.


I corrected this item. I'm sorry :-))


-----Original Content-----

Thank you for posting this link. The 3rd item listed is not correct though for 115, i wanted N Strip-115 (for nails), not P Strip for toes. Could you please update this? 


-----Original Content-----

Thanks for your request.

Please see the link below:


M.B.K. Request team.



-----Original Content-----


Here is the URL for the other options: 

N Strip 143

N strip 140

N Strip 115

-----Original Content-----

Dear. Christy Chan.


Only N105 is available. 3 others are not sale in this url.


If you look at the combo box at top of item page, you can see what options you can buy.


Please check again.


-----Original Content-----


I am interested in: 

N Strip 143

N strip 140

N Strip 105

N Strip 115



-----Original Content-----

Dear. Christy Chan,


It has too many options.

Would select specific option?


-----Original Content-----