Request any items what you want to get

Ask for the Korean products you want to have. 11th street, Auction, G-market and department stores, etc. are also available for sale items.

  • Product Name and Option Name or Site URL
  • The requested product is added to the requested product list after a certain amount of commission is added.
  • The results of the request can be found on this board or on the request board of my page

미샤 공홈 이탈프리즘 섀도

Hayoung Kim 09/19/2018 06:56:43 AM

12호 피치스무디

14호 로즈 폼폼

15호 핑크벨

1호 레이스 셔링

2호 미니 캐리백

개인 구매 페이지 만들어주실 수 있나요? 

정말 감사합니다!!