Request any items what you want to get

Ask for the Korean products you want to have. 11th street, Auction, G-market and department stores, etc. are also available for sale items.

  • Product Name and Option Name or Site URL
  • The requested product is added to the requested product list after a certain amount of commission is added.
  • The results of the request can be found on this board or on the request board of my page

LifeWith Green Apple Flavored Lemon Balm Powder 230g

Chan Yanith 11/27/2020 10:28:35 AM

Dear MBK team, 

I want to ask if  I can order that above subject product or not? Because when I selected on this product I used to offer before, it didn't show " Add to Cart " instead of showing " Sale ends " 






-----Original Content-----

Dear Chan,


The Korean Post has not yet resumed delivery to Cambodia.

Only DHL can deliver but very expensive.


Best regards,

M.B.K. request team


-----Original Content-----

Dear MBK, 

May you check if I can order this below to Cambodia? 

LifeWith Green Apple Flavored Lemon Balm Powder 230g